بالصور.. نظرة الوداع الأخيرة للشعب على جثمان ماردونا

حول الخبر: تسبب التزاحم الشديد من أجل إلقاء التحية الأخيرة على مارادونا قبل دفنه.
تزاحم شديد من أجل إلقاء التحية الأخيرة على مارادونا قبل دفنه
تزاحم شديد من أجل إلقاء التحية الأخيرة على مارادونا قبل دفنه

نشر في: الخميس,26 نوفمبر , 2020 7:34م

آخر تحديث: الخميس,26 نوفمبر , 2020 9:26م

يتواجد حاليا جثمان الأسطورة دييجو مارادونا في قصر كاسا روسادا، بالعاصمة الأرجنتينية بيونيس آيرس، استعدادا لدفنه خلال الساعات المقبلة.

وأمر الرئيس الأرجنتيني ألبرتو فرنانديز، بتواجد جثمان مارادونا في القاعة الرئيسية بالقصر، وفتح الباب للشعب من أجل توديع نجمهم المفضل.

وتسبب التزاحم الشديد من أجل إلقاء التحية الأخيرة على مارادونا قبل دفنه، في حالة فوضى عارمة على أبواب القصر، وهو ما كاد يسبب أعمال شغب.

وتدخلت قوات الجيش الأرجنتيني، من أجل تنظيم الصفوف، وتوزيع المياة على الزائرين، والتأكد من اتباعهم للتعليمات الصحية لمنع انتشار فيروس كورونا.

واضطرت الشرطة المحلية، المتواجدة على أبواب القصر صباح اليوم لضرب قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع، من أجل تفريق الحشد الجماهيري الكبير لوادع أسطورة مونديال 1986.

وتوفي مارادونا، عن عمر يناهز الـ 60 عاما، بسكتة قلبية تعرض لها، نتيجة تدهور حالته الصحية.

On display: Mourners left flowers, football shirts and flags at the foot of Maradona's coffin, as they filed past it at the presidential palace where it is lying in state on the first of three days of national mourning in Argentina

Public procession: Flags, flowers and football shirts are thrown at the foot of Maradona's caskettoday as thousands of mourners file past the coffin to play their last respects to Argentina's greatest football hero

Diego Maradona's coffin is lifted out of an ambulance and taken into the Casa Rosada presidential palace in Buenos Aires in the early hours of this morning after the football legend died on Wednesday at the age of 60

Face to face: Thousands of mourners gathered at the presidential palace in Buenos Aires to see Diego Maradona's casket today - but there were scuffles as people jostled to get inside and see their hero

Riot police hold up their shields as Maradona fans pick up a metal barrier near the presidential palace in Buenos Aires today

Riot police try to keep order as Maradona fans - some of them wearing the colours of his former team Boca Juniors - push to enter the presidential palace and see his coffin before his burial on Thursday

Mourners embrace as they wait to see Maradona's casket at the presidential palace in Buenos Aires on Thursday morning

Supporters of rival Argentinian teams, River Plate and Boca Juniors, embrace as they wait to enter the presidential palace to see the coffin of a man who was revered in the country as the captain of a World Cup-winning team in 1986

Scuffles briefly broke out near the presidential palace today as crowds jostled to enter and police had to hold people back

Argentinian police hold up their riot shields to fend off the restless football fans pushing to enter the government building

A scuffle broke out in Buenos Aires as thousands of fans arrived to see the coffin despite the coronavirus outbreak

A mourner touches a police officer's riot shield as people line up to see Maradona's casket following his sudden death

Football fans were in tears as they left the presidential palace after seeing Maradona's casket ahead of the player's burial

Argentina's flag was flying at half mast at the country's embassy in London today following the death of Diego Maradona


LAST PICTURE: Maradona's death comes just three weeks after he underwent surgery on a blood clot in his brain (pictured), and less than a month after he turned 60

Maradona's finest hour: Lifting the World Cup after inspiring Argentina to victory in the 1986 tournament which included his infamous 'Hand of God' goal in the quarter-final against England



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