السلطنة تستنكر التفجير الذي استهدف مسجداً “صور وفيديو”

حول الخبر: أكدت موقف السلطنة الثابت والرافض لأي عمل يستهدف دور العبادة

نشر في: الجمعة,15 أكتوبر , 2021 10:51م

آخر تحديث: الجمعة,15 أكتوبر , 2021 10:52م

أعربت وزارة الخارجية عن استنكارها للتفجير الذي استهدف مسجداً في مدينة قندهار بجنوب أفغانستان

وأكدت موقف السلطنة الثابت والرافض لأي عمل يستهدف دور العبادة وترويع الآمنين.

كما عبرت عن التعازي لذوي الضحايا ولشعب أفغانستان والتمنيات بالشفاء العاجل للمصابين.

يذكر أن السلطنة أصدرت الجمعة الماضية بيان إدانة بعد التفجير الأول والذي استهدف مسجداً في ولاية قندوز بشمال شرقي أفغانستان وراح ضحيتها 100 شخص

Three bomb blasts hit Fatemieh mosque, believed to be the largest Shiite house of prayer in Afghanistan's Kandahar province, during Friday prayers - killing dozens of people

وارتفع عدد ضحايا الانفجار الذي استهدف مسجا للشيعة في مدينة قندهار الأفغانية، اليوم الجمعة، إلى 62 شخصا على الأقل، فيما أصيب قرابة 70 آخرين.

Witnesses said one bomb exploded near the entrance to the mosque, while another exploded in an area where people wash themselves

وفي وقت سابق اليوم، نقلت وكالة فرانس برس عن طبيب في مستشفى المدينة المركزي قوله إن المستشفى “استقبل 32 جثة و53 جريحا حتى الآن”.

The attack on Kandahar (pictured) comes exactly a week after an explosion hit another Shiite mosque in Kunduz, killing more than 100

وقال  الناطق باسم وزارة الداخلية سعيد خوستي على تويتر “نشعر بالحزن لعلمنا بأن انفجارا وقع في مسجد للإخوان الشيعة في المنطقة الأولى بمدينة قندهار والذي استشهد وأصيب فيه عدد من أبناء وطننا”.

A man walks through a partially destroyed corridor at the Fatemieh mosque - also known as Imam Bargah - after it was hit by three bomb blasts on Friday

ولم تقم أي جهة بتبني الانفجار حتى الآن، لكن أفغانستان شهدت هجمات مماثلة خلال الآونة الأخيرة، فجرى اتهام تنظيم داعش بالوقوف وراء الهجمات.

ISIS-K claimed responsibility for last week's bomb blast, and frequently targets Shiite Muslims because they do not subscribe to its fundamentalist vision of Islam

People inspect the inside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

Medical sources and a provincial official confirmed a toll of more than 30, and at least 15 ambulances were rushing to and from the scene

People view the damage inside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

People inspect the inside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

People inspect the inside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

Blood stains are seen inside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness.(AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

People view the damage inside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

Damaged wall of a mosque is seen following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

People inspect the outside of a mosque following a suicide bombers attack in the city of Kandahar, southwest Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 15, 2021. Suicide bombers attacked a Shiite mosque in southern Afghanistan that was packed with worshippers attending Friday prayers, killing several people and wounding others, according to a hospital official and a witness. (AP Photo/Sidiqullah Khan)

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